Barry Bug
Barry Bug Back Jumping
After a period of getting to know each other Barry Bug and Alec Trickett competed in their first major competition of the year, the 1.40 open at the Royal Show. Because of the late start and the amount of entries the class was run as an A4.
With eighty starters Alec knew it would be a hot class. Barry jumped superb to finish 3rd just 1 second behind the winner, Alec said there were some turns he could have done but was delighted with the way Barry jumped.
Barry Bug who has been a very successful showjumper and been competed by some of the UK's leading show jumping riders John Whitaker, Paul Barker, William Funnel, Geoff Glazzard. His many titles include the leading showjumper of the year at the horse of the year show aswell as the portugese grand prix