Zandor Z
started his sport career in 1995 under Gerardus Krijnen with a place in the finals of the German National Championship for 6-yr-olds. One year later he came to Zangersheide just before the World Championship for Young Showjumping Horses in which event Jos Lansink rode him straight into sixth place in the finals for the 7-yr-olds. As an 8-yr-old Zandor Z reached a place in the select club of the best 400 horses in the WBFSH ranking {World Breeding for Sport Horses} and never left it during the past five years.Zandor Z almost always jumps himself into the prizes in 1.50m classes, from which we will mention over the past two years his fourth place in the Grand Prix of Maastricht, third in the Warsteiner Grand Prix, seventh in the Stuttgart Grand Prix, third in the World Cup qualifier in Amsterdam, sixth in the Geesteren Grand Prix, eighth in the World Cup Göteborg etc. His pedigree is bulging with rare sport genes.
His sire Zeus (Gordios/ Nurzeus} was responsible for numerous sport horses, the best know being Midnight Madness (Michael Whitaker}, Zypria (Dirk Hauser}, Callisto II (Olivier Guillon}, Czar (Ian Millar}, Heatwave (Hauke Hultberg}, Lonesome Dove (Ian Millar}, Playback (Rodney Jenkins}, Ennio (Fernando Sarasola}, Zalza (Nick Skelton}, Latina (Bruno Rocuet}, Zodiac (Thomas von Rettig} and Cardinal 946 (Ludo Philippaerts}.
Zandor Z did not only have his jumping qualities from his sire Zeus, but also and perhaps especially from his dam Pusteblume, who was herself very successful in the sport under the name of Sprehe Padua ridden by Ralf Schneider and who is a daughter of the Holstein mare Ascona (Aladdin}, lineage 4965, which produced a unique family full of sport horses. Ascona, who only jumped at M-level in Germany, produced in combination with Polydor the following sport horses: Sonora La Silla, GP-winner under Jan Tops in, for example, the World Cups of London and Göteborg, Sprehe Padua (ex Pusteblume} winner of the Dortmund Championship (1998} and in combination with Zandor Z, Poor Boy, winner of, for example, the Berlin World Cup in 1998 under Beat Mändli, Pikes Peak under Volker Höltgen, with more than DM 100,000 in national prize monies. Sonora La Silla (presently ‘at work’ at the studfarm of Alfonso Romo} is also dam of the international jumper Zodiac (Holger Hetzel}. Same Holstein lineage 4965 also produced Deasy (Alcatraz} under Hauke Luther and the successful grey jumping stallion Clinton (Carolus I} ridden by Thomas Voss.
The products of Zandor Z excel in their movements, jumping talent and ambitious winner´s attitude. The most expensive foal at the September 2002 Z-Auction was a Zandor Z product.