Ramiro Z
In a lifespan of thirty years, this horse’s performance as a sporthorse and breeding sire, has earned him already the title - ’Stallion of the Century’. Some may argue about this, but none can take away the outstanding merits of this King of Sires.Conceived in Holstein, born in Westfalia, licenced at Neumünster, and himself an international performer under Frtiz Liggges, this stallion influenced nearly all European Performance Studbooks. Some Australian sires and broodmares carry his genes as well.
Ramiro was the most popular distributor of the Ramzes blood and the most frequented sire in Germany. He stood at stud in Westfalia, Holstein, Zangersheide and Holland. Numerous sons and daughters conserve and pass on the valuable genes that stand for rideability and jumping talent. Therefore, it is not a surprise to find Ramiro’s children and grandchildren at the top levels of sowjumping and dressage.
It is simply impossible to mention all is successful progeny on one page. From his first breeding season, came the super mare, Fatinitza, showjumping from victory to victory under Fritz Ligges and Thomas Frühmann, and later mother of the Zangerheide stallion, Almiro Z.
Ramiro’s second season saw him in Holstein where he produced three stallions: Rinaldo {out of a Trakehner mare}, Rio Negro, who became a Grand Prix dressage horse, trained by Willi Schultheis, and Ronald, who was for years the most popular stallion in Holstein, where he sired five licensed sons (among them the Champion of 1992, Rocadero - now in Australia} and more than a hundred top broodmares, many of whom became mothers of sires like Alcatraz, Libero, Lord Incipit, Larno, Le Grand - all exquisite sires and sporthorses. Ronald, like his famous father, went to Holland - where he stood for five years, and sired, among others, the showjumping sire Saluut, the father of the Australian stallion, Salute.
Ramiro’s influence on the Dutch Warmblood breeding was, and still is, of utmost importance. The Dutch bestowed the title - ’Horse of the Year’ - on Ramiro in 1992. For Leon Melchior’s performance breeding program at Zangerheide, Ramiro became the strongest and most successful pillar.
Ratina Z (by Ramiro out of Argentina by Almé}, the gold medal showjumping winner at Barcelona and the World Cup winner of 1992, is a famous example of Melchior’s breeding program.
Ramiro was one of the first stallions to appear in the sport. During his own sporting career, Ramiro had numerous wins at all levels of showjumping - Nations Cups, Puissance (jumping over 2.2 metre!} and in international Grand Prix competition.
"When Ramio was presented for selection, he was described as the ideal type of the modern Holsteiner - strongly imprinted by his dam, tall and elegant, showing the top line of h is grandfather, Cottage Son xx, with powerful frame, a glorious face and large, clear eyes. His excellently formed neck, beautifully set, could still be seen, even when he was an old horse, and are stamped on his progeny. Ramiro displayed a very good walk, a normal trot. and a great canter - it was impossible not to be enthusiastic.
Fortunately Ramiro’s offspring show their ancestor’s genetic power and performance. These genes are now spread all over the world. A number of breedes in Australia, cherish this bloodline and try to consolidate Ramiro’s heritage as an invaluable part of performance horse breeding in this country. The first young sporthorses carrying Ramiro’s genes are out there now competing and the future looks very promising for them.