Helios Horseboxes
We chose Helios as a brand name for our horsebox range because of its equestrian ties. The name Helios is from Greek mythology, Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the sun who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day. To make buying or just browsing one of our Helios horseboxes easier, we have listed some of the pitfalls and items that we feel are important factors in the quality of any horseboxes for sale. There are no catches or clever wording and we have put all the information at your fingertips including very large pictures to show detail throughout the website. Some of the content here will be similar to our parent company, Kevin Parker Horseboxes Ltd, however this website is just dedicated to information on the Helios range of horseboxes for sale. If you are looking for a horsebox we would advise reading through both websites. There is plenty of relevant content on both sites and even some on the Coat-X site worth reading for anyone looking at horseboxes for sale. As manufacturers and coachbuilders we have more than 30 years experience building quality horseboxes for sale.
Every Helios horsebox is still with the original customers and this should go quite some way to showing the quality and desirability of the brand. We are so confident in the quality of our workmanship we have a two year warranty on every Helios horsebox as standard. Most of our sales come from recommendations from existing customers and we can put you in touch with Helios horsebox owners. For further information see our âFeedback section on the website for their recommendations.
The range of Helios horseboxes for sale have been designed from our extensive horsebox manufacturing experience and many of the unique features are only available on the Helios horsebox range. The brand name has become synonymous with quality and value for money. Because of this and the extremely high standard of finish, our horseboxes look good for years and demand high resale prices, making them very good value for money. Instead of just copying other manufactures we have researched and innovated at every turn making our horsebox range both a practical and long lasting product to the highest standards. As horsebox manufacturers and horsebox coachbuilders our building process is strict and consistent, with each member of our team taking responsibility for their part in the horsebox build process. This quality of build is only possible with a team who are proud of the product they produce and work very closely with the same goals, to increase our reputation for building a horsebox that is desirable and very reliable, yet gorgeous to look at.
Stunning features on the Helios horseboxes for sale start with the latest innovations including our spray on protective coating Coat-X which we spray throughout the horsebox build including the horse area, horsebox ramp, tack boxes and under floor storage, on all our horseboxes this replaces the heavy rubber mats and kick sheet. It is sprayed in our purpose built commercial spray shop along with the fantastic paintwork our dedicated team of commercial sprayers turn out each week. There is the beautifully crafted fibreglass pod and curved roof system adding more internal space, fantastic aerodynamics, better fuel consumption and setting the Helios horsebox range even further apart from the square horsebox shapes that are the norm. We use the latest light weight composite materials and glues throughout the builds and include the latest solar charging technology as standard on every one of the Helios horseboxes for sale. This system has over 3 years research and testing behind it.
We have picked each material for its weight, strength and durability over the life of the horsebox. With a sensible approach to materials, weights and sizes we design the whole box around each customer`s needs. For this reason we can boast one of the lightest horseboxes for sale on the market today at just 4.7 tonnes. We are so confident in our Helios build quality we have a comprehensive 2 year warranty on all bodywork.
When looking at any horsebox for sale weight must be one of the most important considerations. For instance a typical horse can weigh up to 655kg, a pony up to 455kg, feed 20kg, add to this, fuel, water, tack, driver.
Fines can be up to £5,000, if you are stopped and your horsebox is found overloaded a prohibition notice will be issued, banning the horsebox from being driven. To clear a prohibition notice on any horsebox, another vehicle may have to transport the excess load or temporary equestrian accommodation for your horses may have to be arranged. You could then face prosecution, as well as licence penalty points. If your horsebox is overloaded, insurance cover also becomes void. We recommend that you always ask for a weight certificate for the finished horsebox as there are many horseboxes both old and new that do not comply with legal requirements, so BEWARE!
Our standard ladies horsebox is just 4.7 tonnes so it is legally capable of carrying 3 of the largest horses (they can legally carry over 2.5 ton of horses and tack). We weigh each horsebox on completion and give a certificate with the horsebox weight for customers to keep with their paperwork. At the other end of the scale our heaviest Helios horsebox with all extras fitted, fuel and water weighs 5.3 ton. Recently we have seen an increase in the number of customers wishing to trade an overweight horsebox because of weight issues. In addition we have had many requests to reduce the weight in a customer`s existing horsebox. These boxes range from self builds to horsebox builds by some of the larger manufacturers.
Our Helios horsebox is stalled for the largest 18 hand horses with 8` width and 8' 2" height. The length of the horse area can be specified by the customer. The horsebox partitions can be moved up and down the horse area to suit and therefore fit any width of horse. One of the most distinctive features of the Helios horsebox design is the curved roofline, setting it apart from other horseboxes. The advantages of a curved roof being; increased aerodynamics, greater load capacity, a more inviting horse area with an amazing 8` 2â of load height and most of all, a really eye-catching shape. Other advantages of the Helios horsebox design is an extremely low overall external height of 11` 3` and the height of the ramp at just 32` making it again both extremely low and very easily loaded.
For horsebox strength and safety, we build a galvanised steel cage into the horse area that is welded to the steel centre partition and to the ramp frame. The horse partitions are also hung from this, adding to the safety and in turn the quality of the build.
Finish in our horse area is paramount and any horsebox for sale must be able to withstand power washing and disinfectants on a weekly basis. We use Coat-X (www.coat-x.co.uk ) to coat the horse area and horsebox ramps, there are no seams and no water ingress. Each horsebox looks like new after washing. We even fit long drain tubes to take any water out of the horse area and past any chassis parts underneath the horsebox. These are not just holes drilled in the floor. Coat-X on our horsebox ramps has removed the need for capping's as ramps are often left down and water gets behind edges rotting them and swelling up, Coat-X is different because it is sprayed at a high temperature and completely seals all edges for the life of the horsebox.
Our composite horsebox floors have bearer spaces of 10" TO 12" for maximum strength and clever use of the latest materials means all our Helios horseboxes for sale have a very low floor height for better stability and loading. This in turn lowers the overall height of the horsebox. Ramps on the Helios horsebox range are perfectly balanced and close easily, there is a small demonstration video below showing the ramp close itself. We pride ourselves in making light ramps on all our horseboxes for sale. We feel they are a key element in horsebox design and safety. As weight is always at the forefront of our horsebox design we use an under floor spring system that is far lighter than the hydraulic and electric ram options. For safety the horsebox ramp will still open and close regardless of the state of the batteries. Our horsebox ramps are foam filled with large hinges with grease nipples and slip rails. They are smooth faced on the outside with no screws or rivets to spoil the lines. They are the full width of the horsebox to make the entrance as inviting as possible. Again our unique design allows us to have a very shallow angle for easy loading. We have aimed the whole design in the horse area around loading and transporting horses safely. You will not find heavy stainless sheet or heavy rubber mats, just a clean smooth Coat-X finish made to power wash and look like new each time.
Product longevity is the key to building a quality horsebox brand and we go to great lengths to paint, glue, seal and Waxoyl every part where appropriate. Having our own commercial spray shop is of great benefit in this area. We do not have to complete a build and drive it off site to a spray shop for painting. What we actually do is service and prepare each chassis, then it goes into our fabrication workshop and all the sub-frame and horse cage are fitted. Next it moves into our commercial paint shop; the cab, engine, chassis and the entire sub frame are sprayed with 3 coats of oil resistant 2 pack paint. After the horsebox is finished it goes back into the spray shop and the underside is painted again and finally Waxoyl is applied. All steel work and partitions are galvanised keeping a quality finish for the life of your horsebox. On the same theme we use sealer glue on every part fitted to the horsebox, all rivets and screws are stainless steel and each hole is sealed before they are fitted. On the Helios horsebox range we have removed nearly all the outside fixings. Visit www.helioshorseboxes.co.uk.
We have always built horseboxes with tilt cabs and feel they are a must. With the new Helios horsebox design this is now a five minute job. It is just not possible to service a modern chassis when the cab is fixed down. Soon all horseboxes for sale will need vehicle type approval. Customers will need a certificate to get through an MOT test. This will ensure any vehicle alterations are done in a safe way and should remove some of the dangerous practices from the industry and thus give customers peace of mind. To this end in 2008 we became members of the VBRA (Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association).
As predicted other horsebox manufacturers are now following our lead, word has spread throughout the equine community and many customers are asking for Coat-X in their builds. It is worth noting that any spray-on Polyurea protective coating is only as good as the people doing the job. It is the preparation, experience and skill of our paint team that count and this if evident when looking at our unrivalled quality finish. It is easy to cut corners and hard for a customer to tell a good job from a bad one, we are so confident in our product and workmanship that we cover Coat-X as part of our 2 year warranty.
Coat-X is keeping us very busy, we have sprayed horseboxes and horsebox ramps for other manufacturers, service vehicles, garden furniture, pet ambulances, South west water vehicles, even bee hives. The applications are endless and the finish is just amazing when compared to heavy kick sheet, carpet and rubber matting. To read more about Coat-X visit www.coat-x.co.uk
Product quality and customer care are our main objectives as a company. A good name cannot be bought, it must be earned. With any of our Helios horseboxes for sale customers are buying peace of mind, with our 2 years warranty and exceptional customer care programme we aim to be amongst the best. To this end continued improvement in quality and customer care have become our driving force, of course all these words are only as good as the team behind them and we have an excellent team, both skilled and proud of what they produce.
We aim to be as transparent as possible and customers are able to view boxes in all stages of the build process, we post all our information on the website including detailed pictures with a high enough quality for customers to make an informed choice. We have detailed close up pictures available for customers who live some distance away. There are no sales people as we let the quality of Helios horsebox brand sell itself. We put great emphasis on ease of use and comfort for horses and owners alike and with over 30 years of manufacturing and coachbuilding experience we can advise customers on the best ways to incorporate their requirements whilst staying within the load capacity of the horsebox.
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LEYLAND ROAD RUNNER "H reg 7.5 ton. Due to ill health retirement (riders&horses) this box has only been used 4 times since complete conversion to 3 horse + small unfitted living. Reinforced floor rubber sealed. 4 new tyres,brakes refurbished.Easy to drive,power steering
