Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls P Reg with Living - Oxfordshire
3.5 T 1996 Mercedes 218D LWB 59,000 miles. Converted to horsebox in 2007 by Berkshire Boxes. Stalled for 2 herringbone with light rear gated ramp. Rubber matting throughout. Unfurnished living with saddle racks. Tidy cab with CD player and immobiliser. Very reliable (always starts), easy to drive and can be driven on car licence. MOT until end Jan 2011. New brakes and pads Jan 2010. Sad sale due to baby and lame horse. |
Telephone: 01189 723621 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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Equitrek Horseboxes Equi-Trek remains a family run company whose aim is to manufacture the ultimate in horse transport. We have for many years successfully competed in Equestrian competition at international level and therefore have an in depth understanding of the requ
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls 2003 Reg with Living - Essex 53 -Reg Daf LF 45-150 - 53 Reg Daf with All-Rounder II body, Carries 2 large horses, External saddle locker, Tilt cab, Large living, Privacy room, Hob/grill/sink, Maple units, Metallic paint
Super 2-Horse 7.5Ton/Nonhgv
Horsebox, Carries 1 stall with Living - Lancashire The Marlborough Cob is based on a 3.5 ton Renault Master or Vauxhall Movano chassis. The box is constructed of G.R.P. It has been designed to carry larger horses than the "Sport" having an internal height of 7'4".Carrying capacity is around 1150 Kilo
FVM Horseboxes FVM Horseboxes cover all areas of your Horseboxes needs from general repairs, refurbishments to MOT's and paintwork. We specialise in the building of custom built horseboxes. We only use the very latest and up to date components and materials. We pri
Equimark Horseboxes Coachbuilding is an art and we specialise in building the finest 3.5 & 7.5 tonne luxury lightweight horseboxes. Even our entry level classic horsebox comes with CCTV and reverse camera with sound monitors for extra safety. Whether it is a 3.5 tone ho
Equi-Star 2 horse compact living 2008 3 Litre HDI Equi-star 2 horsebox with compact living-Hunter Plus - Fast and economical 2008 Citroen Relay 35 HDI 3 Litre Diesel engine, LWB Metallic Blue,Two horse travelling backwards, Sleeps Two and day living. Tinted opening windows in horse area, roof vent,
3.5 Ton Horseboxes A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
