Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls X Reg with Living - East Sussex
Beautiful bespoke Wren Horsebox. Carries 2 large horses. Externally - 1 large tack locker) (takes 3 saddles etc plus storage shelves) Skirt locker, engine isolator. Entrance vestibule - useful area to leave muddy wet items. Vinyl floor and walls. Horse Area - Partitioned for 2 horses. Rubber floor and walls. Rug rack. Loading light. Door to vestibule. Toilet Room - Thetford cassette toilet (unused) sealed plastic wet room ready for shower. Separate Living Area - At present the area is empty but comes completely lined out with vinyl wall covering and floor. All wired with light fittings. Large carpeted Luton with side windows (sleeps 2) Ideal for choosing your own unique fittings layout. * Coach built by Wren Horseboxes to our specifications in 2007 * Entrance vestibule, separate living and toilet * Hardly used since new- approx 10 times * Easy and reliable drive * £5K bespoke paint work * Easy lift sprung ramp Reason for sale, daughter disappeared to Uni and enjoying herself too much to come home! |
Telephone: 07928816045 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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1991 Mercedes 814 Diesel Horse Box Mercedes 814 Diesel-Four Horses-Five Ponies -Integral living - Plenty of Lockers-Aluminium Floor, with Rubber Matting-Shower Loo Wash Hand Basin, MOT, Taxed 2009. Body cost 38K, eight years a go Location: Derbyshire Contact Details Tel: 01335371800
HGV Horseboxes Custom built HGV horseboxes for sale, built to order using the best materials and a quality finish from experienced craftsman to build a horsebox that will meet all your needs. As well as hgv horseboxes built to order we also have a selection of sec
7.5t non-hgv g reg leyland daf roadrunner. 2 horses /3ponies plus living 7.5 tonne non-HGV, G Reg leyland DAF roadrunner for sale. Lovely, reliable lorry stalled for 3 ponies / 2 horses. 2 person living, including hob,fridge freezer and double bed. The horse area and living of this lorry was converted approximately
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls 10 Reg with Living - West Yorkshire This outstanding horsebox has an incredible 2750kg carrying capacity, which gives you the ability to legally carry 3 horses. Developed to be the most practical 7.5 ton horsebox available, smooth and easy to drive with a powerful 5.2 litre Isuzu engin
Man HGV Horseboxes For Sale Mann is a major supplier of horseboxes, Mann trucks always have that little bit extra as standard, making them the natural choice of drivers and operators everywhere. Stableexpress have partnered with leading horse manufactuer of horseboxes who ca
3.5 Tonne Horseboxes For Sale A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Annard Horse Boxes An Annard Horsebox combines quality, comfort and power to define what horse transport should be all about. It’s about safety, reliability, performance and something else that you’ve worked your whole life for – luxury. At Annard, we don’t just want
Andrew Maudsley Horseboxes Andrew Maudsley has been designing and building horseboxes for more than 20 years. His late father Brian was known and respected throughout the country and Andrew is maintaining the family tradition, with the help of both his wife Jayne and their son
