Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls G Reg with Living - Cheshire
7.5t Three horse box belgrave body (cream) 1990 2axle rigid body 12months m.o.t passed 1st time no problem, 4new tyres,power steering,cd player, great runner. Living- cooker with oven an grill, sink, storge,saddle racks,double opening windows.door in to back with key.
Body fully linned with rubber matting, storage, opening windows with metal guards, double tie up rings, drop down step, loading light, easy lift ramp. 8fth, 9ftl, 8ftw. total length 19f. no looton easy to work on.old m.o.t history. call for more info an viewings - Based in Malpas Cheshire |
Telephone: 07746 337201, 07746 337201 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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Horsebox, Carries 6 stalls with Living - Hertfordshire 2004 Oakley Supreme 6 Stall Transporter with grooms area, TV , seating and storage area. 6 forward facing stalls (3 + 3). 4 adjustable partitions and headboards. 2 side ramps. External lockers. Recent exterior refurbishment (re-spray) in metallic blu
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls M Reg with Living - Suffolk 3.5 ton, stalled for 2 16.3hh horses with rubber flooring and tack locker. Very easy managed ramp and partition. Day living with luton and storage. The engine and body work have been carefully maintained. Clean tidy and very reliable.CD player. Drive
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Daf 2 Horse Horseboxes For Sale Daf 2 Horse Horseboxes for sale : -Start your search for horseboxes, horse lorries or horse trailers for sale here. Refine your search using the categories on the left. Advertising your horse box or business on stableexpress is FREE, stableexpress ha
3 Counties Horseboxes Our experience of more than 20 years of manufacturing horse boxes enables us to advise our customers of the best choices available based on budget and personal requirements, whether it be a basic DIY conversion, a full spec Three Counties coach built
Build Horseboxes Start your search for horseboxes, horse lorries or horse trailers for sale here. Refine your search using the categories on the left. Advertising your horse box or business on stableexpress is FREE, stableexpress has thousands of visitors each day so
