Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls J Reg with Living - Buckinghamshire
A very reliable lorry, starts first time even in cold weather. Large external tack locker (not in horse area), 2 skirt lockers. Big airy horse area, partioned for 4, takes 3 very big horses or 4 ponies. Clean tidy living with sink, gas hob, seating, table, cupboards / shelving, mirror. Large luton sleeping 2. Very easy to drive, power steering. Even bad loaders have been happy to travel in this lorry! |
Telephone: 07909 682301 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls 07 Reg - Nottinghamshire Select Pro - Peugeot 2007 NEW DESIGN - 2 large stalls and grooms area. Bench seats, tack cubicle, storage above cab. Half ramp, barn doors, large windows, wide back door. Extra ventilation - sky light. Metallic silver and new fibreglass mouldings wit
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls 51 Reg - Surrey Quality Oakland 2/3 Horsebox with rear tack/storage area & nice grooms area,Fitted to a low mileage 2002 75E17 Eurocargo, LEZ complient,Great spec (available on request), long test & tax in excellent condition £19,950 + vat
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Horsetrailer, Carries 2 stalls - Kent 2007 Equi-Trek Space Treka L 2 horse, trailer, Presented in as new condition throughout, Extras inc Alloy floor with rubber over matting, removable galvanised partition with grp insert and head divider, padded breast bar, kick boards all round, easy
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Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls X Reg with Living - East Sussex Beautiful bespoke Wren Horsebox. Carries 2 large horses. Externally - 1 large tack locker) (takes 3 saddles etc plus storage shelves) Skirt locker, engine isolator. Entrance vestibule - useful area to leave muddy wet items. Vinyl floor and walls. Ho
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George Smith Horseboxes Since starting in 1988 our premises have expanded from one small workshop hardly big enough for one vehicle, to the multi building complex that can accommodate up to twelve vehicles at one time. It was in 1995 that we made the decision to build our
