Horsebox, Carries 6 stalls with Living - Hertfordshire
2004 Oakley Supreme 6 Stall Transporter with grooms area, TV , seating and storage area. 6 forward facing stalls (3 + 3). 4 adjustable partitions and headboards. 2 side ramps. External lockers. Recent exterior refurbishment (re-spray) in metallic blue. Mounted upon a 2004 Mercedes 1223, 230 bhp, manual gearbox, 12,000 kgs. chassis cab. Air suspension. Tilt cab. 2 x horse area cameras. Stereo. Horsebox only mileage reading approx 341,500 kilometers |
Telephone: 01920 466781 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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V-Reg Iveco 59.12 Prospect II New 2-horse Prospect II Metallic paint Very compact and easy to drive Day living with maple units External saddle locker Will carry 2 large horses in comfort Ex demonstrator Location: Essex Contact Details Tel: 01255 862411 Mob: 07860 656118
Super 2-Horse 7.5Ton/Nonhgv
Ford Iveco Horseboxes For Sale Start your search for horseboxes, horse lorries or horse trailers for sale here. Refine your search using the categories on the left. Advertising your horse box or business on stableexpress is FREE, stableexpress has thousands of visitors each day so
Horsebox, Carries 6 stalls Y Reg with Living - Nottinghamshire Oakley Horsebox - 6 speed M.A.N. 2001 - 98000 miles - horsebox mileage only. 6/7 stalls with strong H partitions spring loaded. Compact living, sink, hob, grill, wardrobe, top cupboards. Sleeps 2 - integral. Metallic silver, remounted body, engine ac
Kevin Parker Horseboxes Ltd We chose Helios as a brand name for our horsebox range because of its equestrian ties. The name Helios is from Greek mythology, Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the sun who drove the chariot of the sun across
2nd Hand Horseboxes For Sale A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls J Reg with Living - Buckinghamshire A very reliable lorry, starts first time even in cold weather. Large external tack locker (not in horse area), 2 skirt lockers. Big airy horse area, partioned for 4, takes 3 very big horses or 4 ponies. Clean tidy living with sink, gas hob, seating,
3.5T 02 Vauxhall Horsebox Vauxhall Movano 3.5 tonne rear facing 2 horse box 2002 Reg (converted 2007). 6 months Tax, 10 months MOT. New rear brake pads and disks. Good condition. CCTV in horse area viewed from cab. Carries 2 large horses easily. Internal dimensions: Hei
