Evolution HGV Horseboxes For Sale
Evolution Horseboxes Ltd is a family run business situated in the Northwest. We take pride in building quality coach-built horseboxes using only the highest standard of materials.
Most of our business is generated by recommendation as the quality of our boxes are second to none.
We specialise in supplying 3.5 tonne, rear facing 2 horseboxes with tack area.
These boxes are very popular with the younger generation as there is no need to take an additional driving test.
For more information about us please see the about us page and if you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us using the details on the contact page.
Horse Lorries For Sale |
Telephone: 07773069994 Date Added:09/09/2012 Email:
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Volvo HGV Horseboxes For Sale Volvo is a major supplier of horseboxes, Volvo trucks always have that little bit extra as standard, making them the natural choice of drivers and operators everywhere. Stableexpress have partnered with leading horse manufactuer of horseboxes who
Horsebox, Carries 6 stalls with Living - County Antrim 2010 AK Man TGS 2010 AK Man TGS 400 HP Fully Automatic 6 Horse 26 Ton Mega Pop Out Luxury Living Area Export To USA
HGV Horseboxes For Sale Find hundreds of horseboxes and horse trailers for sale. Choose from the top makes such as, Ifor Williams, Leyland, Iveco, Mercedes and Renault. New and Used. From one to six horses. Latest equestrian classified adverts. To view more equestrian class
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Armstrong Horseboxes Start your search for horseboxes, horse lorries or horse trailers for sale here. Refine your search using the categories on the left. Advertising your horse box or business on stableexpress is FREE, stableexpress has thousands of visitors each day so
VERY RELIABLE - 7.5TON NON HGV Tilt cab 7.5TON NON HGV Tilt cab mechanically sound New MOT till May 2011 taxed until end of july 2010 very well maintained and serviced annually carries 3 large horses with new floor ramp and rubber matting rug racks and lighting in horse area telesopic pa
LEYLAND ROAD RUNNER "H reg 7.5 ton. Due to ill health retirement (riders&horses) this box has only been used 4 times since complete conversion to 3 horse + small unfitted living. Reinforced floor rubber sealed. 4 new tyres,brakes refurbished.Easy to drive,power steering
East Anglian Horseboxes Cambridgeshire Horseboxes, your leading East Anglian Horsebox Company We are located on Church Farm, Hamerton PE28 5QX only 4 miles from the A1M and A14 so has ease for acsess from all main routes, you may have heard or seen us at shows across the c
