3.5T 02 Vauxhall Horsebox
Vauxhall Movano 3.5 tonne rear facing 2 horse box 2002 Reg (converted 2007). 6 months Tax, 10 months MOT. New rear brake pads and disks. Good condition. CCTV in horse area viewed from cab. Carries 2 large horses easily. Internal dimensions: Height 7f |
Telephone: , 07731983368 Date Added:12/12/2011 Email:
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Horsebox, Carries 6 stalls with Living - County Antrim 2008 Whittaker P310 2008 Whittaker P310 Full Luxury Living Area With All The Extras Pop Out : 1 Pop Out Number Of Horses : 6
AJ Horseboxes High Quality Horseboxes from AJ Horseboxes - the home of high quality horseboxes. Whether you are looking for a new build or conversion we are here to help and guide you to your dream horsebox at a price that suits your budget. Browse our 'Horseboxe
Volvo HGV Horseboxes For Sale Volvo is a major supplier of horseboxes, Volvo trucks always have that little bit extra as standard, making them the natural choice of drivers and operators everywhere. Stableexpress have partnered with leading horse manufactuer of horseboxes who
Equicruiser Horseboxes Our complete range of the finest luxury horseboxes built in the UK is designed to offer you choice, quality, dependability and value, together with unparalleled service and customer care. Whatever your requirements – from a two horse box with day li
Bretherton Horseboxes Bretherton Coachworks Ltd, creators of luxury horseboxes and motor sport mobile garage's. Here at Bretherton Coachworks we offer the discerning buyer the perfect blend of traditional craftsmanship, luxury fittings and the most modern vehicle technolo
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls K Reg - Kent 3.5 ton, Ford Transit 2.5, Diesel 12 Months MOT New clutch / re-conditioned gearbox (fitted April 2009). Nearly new floor in horse area , Nearly new tyres all round, 11 months MOT. Rear and side loading ramps. Internal height 7ft. Internal width 6ft
Horsebox, Carries 1 stall with Living - Lancashire The Marlborough Sport is based on a 3.5 ton Renault Master or Vauxhall Movano chassis. All have a diesel engine, power steering, 5 or 6 speed gearbox, and easy to operate spring assisted ramp. It makes an ideal ladies box.The horses travel rear facin
Quality Horseboxes built to your requirements! - County Down All lorries built to your specific needs. Get your order in before VAT increase, prices start from only £19,500! All types of maintenance and repairs also undertaken. All electrical and gas works certified.
