Reliable Hgv Horsebox
Carries 4 large horses or 5/6 ponies. Horse area is immaculate with plenty of space for horses |
Telephone: , 07745550648 Date Added:12/12/2011 Email:
Adverts for horseboxes for sale appearing within 24 hours of being submitted. Browse horseboxes for sale in the UK by county, price or amount of horses carried. New adverts for horseboxes for sale are added daily so if actively looking for a horsebox for sale be sure to visit stableexpress Horseboxes For Sale UK regularly to view new adverts for horseboxes for sale as they are added. For those looking to sell horseboxes, then stableexpress Horseboxes For Sale UK is the ideal site to advertise your horsebox for sale. All adverts for horseboxes for sale on stableexpress is FREE and has 1000`s of visitors each month.
Armstrong Horseboxes Start your search for horseboxes, horse lorries or horse trailers for sale here. Refine your search using the categories on the left. Advertising your horse box or business on stableexpress is FREE, stableexpress has thousands of visitors each day so
Equicruiser Horseboxes Our complete range of the finest luxury horseboxes built in the UK is designed to offer you choice, quality, dependability and value, together with unparalleled service and customer care. Whatever your requirements – from a two horse box with day li
Iveco 75 E15 Converted 2008, only used twice. Light airy 3 horse area with galvanised telescopic padded partitions, rug rack & easy ramp. Fully upholstered living with matching cab seats, separate changing room with sink, toilet & vanity unit. TV/DVD with built i
Coachbuilt Horseboxes A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Hamer Horseboxes We supply and convert Renault Master and Vauxhaul Movano vans into horseboxes of the highest quality, and also design and make anything to meet your requirements. Also we can supply you with anything and everything you need for your own do it yoursel
Charlton Horseboxes We are a small family run business specialising in building good quality, affordable two stall lorries. Owning horses ourselves means that our lorries are built with your horse in mind. We take pride in safe, strong and quality horseboxes and workm
Custom Horseboxes A Horse box is a an expensive investment and it is important you find one that meets your requirements, you can buy a second hand Horse box or have one built specifically to meet your individual needs. There are many companies who specialise in buil
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls J Reg with Living - Buckinghamshire A very reliable lorry, starts first time even in cold weather. Large external tack locker (not in horse area), 2 skirt lockers. Big airy horse area, partioned for 4, takes 3 very big horses or 4 ponies. Clean tidy living with sink, gas hob, seating,
