Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls J Reg with Living - Buckinghamshire
A very reliable lorry, starts first time even in cold weather. Large external tack locker (not in horse area), 2 skirt lockers. Big airy horse area, partioned for 4, takes 3 very big horses or 4 ponies. Clean tidy living with sink, gas hob, seating, table, cupboards / shelving, mirror. Large luton sleeping 2. Very easy to drive, power steering. Even bad loaders have been happy to travel in this lorry! |
Telephone: 07909 682301 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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Kevin Parker Horseboxes Ltd We chose Helios as a brand name for our horsebox range because of its equestrian ties. The name Helios is from Greek mythology, Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the sun who drove the chariot of the sun across
Iveco Ford cargo 7.5 tonne horsebox 1998 chassis with 2005 body conversion by PW Conversions. Has seperate cab fitted with cctv monitoring system for horses. Horse section has tie rings, large adjustable partitions, rubber matting, roof vent with fly screen, opening windows, hydraulic
Bespoke Horseboxes A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls R Reg with Living - Warwickshire Leyland Daf 7.5 tonne Horsebox 1998 R reg only 75000 km . Cummins 150i engine . 6 months Tax MOT till Feb 2011 . Fully serviced .Tachograph calibrated . Unlaiden weight 5.8 tones. Full spec living to include full set cupboards/draws cooker,hob,,sink,
East Anglian Horseboxes Cambridgeshire Horseboxes, your leading East Anglian Horsebox Company We are located on Church Farm, Hamerton PE28 5QX only 4 miles from the A1M and A14 so has ease for acsess from all main routes, you may have heard or seen us at shows across the c
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls K Reg with Living - Nottinghamshire REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE;;;;;;this box is 7500kg gross.. takes 4 ponys 3 horses.full living ,cooker ect,it has the lot,, 10ft long 8ft wide and 8ft high of horse area..with same again for the living plus luton.. this box drives like a dream //it has a
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls 03 Reg - Kent About the horsebox, Vauxhall Movano , 3.5 ton, Turbo diesel, Non HGV, Driven on car licence., MOT until June 2011., Extensive service carried out May 2010 including new turbo fitted., Power steering., Immobiliser., Radio/ CD player., Seating for two
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls G Reg with Living - Cambridgeshire G reg (1989) renault dodge 50 turbo, 5. 6t two horse lorry. plated until may 2011 and taxed until july 2011. fitted living with gas hob, sink, wardrobe, lots of cuboard space and luton over cab. five ...
