Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls M Reg with Living - Suffolk
3.5 ton, stalled for 2 16.3hh horses with rubber flooring and tack locker. Very easy managed ramp and partition. Day living with luton and storage. The engine and body work have been carefully maintained. Clean tidy and very reliable.CD player. Drives on a car license. |
Telephone: 01379 388098, 07739 485975 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
Adverts for horseboxes for sale appearing within 24 hours of being submitted. Browse horseboxes for sale in the UK by county, price or amount of horses carried. New adverts for horseboxes for sale are added daily so if actively looking for a horsebox for sale be sure to visit stableexpress Horseboxes For Sale UK regularly to view new adverts for horseboxes for sale as they are added. For those looking to sell horseboxes, then stableexpress Horseboxes For Sale UK is the ideal site to advertise your horsebox for sale. All adverts for horseboxes for sale on stableexpress is FREE and has 1000`s of visitors each month.
East Riding Horseboxes East Riding Horseboxes, a horsebox manufacturer based in Long Riston near Beverley, East Yorkshire are a family business who have been manufacturing horseboxes for over 25 years from the same site. With a small team, we only have 2, maybe 3 horsebox
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls 51 Reg - Surrey Quality Oakland 2/3 Horsebox with rear tack/storage area & nice grooms area,Fitted to a low mileage 2002 75E17 Eurocargo, LEZ complient,Great spec (available on request), long test & tax in excellent condition £19,950 + vat
Horsebox, Carries 1 stall with Living - Lancashire The Marlborough Hunter is based on a 3.5 ton Renault Master or Vauxhall Movano chassis.Carrying capacity is around 1150 Kilos depending on the exact finish of the box. Uprating to 3.9 Tons lifts the capacity to 1550 Kilos.BodyMade of white faced GRP.
Central Horseboxes We are located centrally for each reach from any corner of the country, in Kidderminster, Worcestershire. All of the horseboxes that we sell come with a 3-months parts and labour warranty, 6-months minimum test, weight certificate, HPI certificate,
Automatic Horseboxes For Sale A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Wanted Lehel Virage Wanted lehel Virage I am looking for a Lehel 2000 onwards NON HGV, but will consider other models and year, cash waiting for the right horsebox.WILLING TO TRAVEL
Highfield Horseboxes We can design and build your box to your individual requirements. All work is to a very high standard. Boxes from "Hunting Boxes" to more luxury, coachbuilt lightweight designs. Our horseboxes are built & designed to ensure you and your horses travel
HGV Horseboxes Custom built HGV horseboxes for sale, built to order using the best materials and a quality finish from experienced craftsman to build a horsebox that will meet all your needs. As well as hgv horseboxes built to order we also have a selection of sec
