3.5 Ton 2 Horsebox 2007
New build body. Fiat Ducato, 2007 on 57 Reg, diesel, 6 speed gearbox, service history, 65,000 miles, radio/cd player, electric windows, 3-seater cab, in silver with graphics, over-cab storage and or bed, table converts to extra bed in living area, lockabl |
Telephone: 02085021218, 07831633544 Date Added:12/12/2011 Email:
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Volvo Fl6, 14 Tonne, 5 Pony 4 Horse 1997 Volvo FL6 HGV horse lorry with automatic transmission. 91,000 kilometres. Carries 5 ponies and 4 horses. Converted in 2009. Includes large living equiped with Full size fridge, cooker and sink - Flat screen TV - Toilet with wash hand basin an
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls with Living - Hertfordshire 2000 Oakley Supreme 2/3 Stall Horsebox, with luxury living accommodation, light oak wood furniture/ wall panels, upholstered seating to living and cab seats, Oakley Electrical Power Centre, oven/ grill, 3-ring hob, refrigerator. Remote control T.V, S
Iveco 75 E15 Converted 2008, only used twice. Light airy 3 horse area with galvanised telescopic padded partitions, rug rack & easy ramp. Fully upholstered living with matching cab seats, separate changing room with sink, toilet & vanity unit. TV/DVD with built i
Equicruiser Horseboxes Our complete range of the finest luxury horseboxes built in the UK is designed to offer you choice, quality, dependability and value, together with unparalleled service and customer care. Whatever your requirements – from a two horse box with day li
3.5 Horseboxes For Sale A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Wanted Lehel Virage Wanted lehel Virage I am looking for a Lehel 2000 onwards NON HGV, but will consider other models and year, cash waiting for the right horsebox.WILLING TO TRAVEL
3.5 Ton Horseboxes A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Horsebox, Carries 5 stalls 04 Reg with Living - Nottinghamshire horsebox_carries_5_stalls-04_living_nottinghamshire.jpg
