Horsebox, Carries 6 stalls with Living - Hertfordshire
2004 Oakley Supreme 6 Stall Transporter with grooms area, TV , seating and storage area. 6 forward facing stalls (3 + 3). 4 adjustable partitions and headboards. 2 side ramps. External lockers. Recent exterior refurbishment (re-spray) in metallic blue. Mounted upon a 2004 Mercedes 1223, 230 bhp, manual gearbox, 12,000 kgs. chassis cab. Air suspension. Tilt cab. 2 x horse area cameras. Stereo. Horsebox only mileage reading approx 341,500 kilometers |
Telephone: 01920 466781 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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New Horsebox These quality Horse Boxes are built in the UK and are available from a 2 stall horse box to a 7 stall Horse box, that can be fitted out to suit your individual needs, desires and style, including solid timber furniture, leather upholstery with stainl
Helios Horseboxes We chose Helios as a brand name for our horsebox range because of its equestrian ties. The name Helios is from Greek mythology, Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the sun who drove the chariot of the sun across
Horsebox, Carries 4 stalls with Living - Hertfordshire 1988 Oakley Mahogany 4 Stall Horsebox, with living accommodation, Oak wood furniture/ units, upholstered seating, removable dinning table, sink, cold running water, 4 burner gas hob, gas fuelled fridge, fluorescent lighting throughout. Groom?s door o
Cheshire Horseboxes Repairs, MOTs, Any job from fitting a window, welding a ramp to a complete conversion of your own vehicle or part conversion. In fact, anything for horseboxes! A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls 56 Reg - Berkshire Converted to a horsebox in 2009, really nice to drive, 2.5 lt 6 speed, has elec window, a/c. CD player. Metallic grey with silver graphics, external tack locker and internal cupboard, easy to lift split ramp. Only for sale as I renew every year. 11 m
Brindley Horseboxes Stone Lane , DY7 6EJ Stourbridge, Brindley Horseboxes
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls X Reg with Living - East Sussex Beautiful bespoke Wren Horsebox. Carries 2 large horses. Externally - 1 large tack locker) (takes 3 saddles etc plus storage shelves) Skirt locker, engine isolator. Entrance vestibule - useful area to leave muddy wet items. Vinyl floor and walls. Ho
Grays Horseboxes When it comes to a horsebox, it pays to consider what is best for you and your horse. We specialise in providing customised solutions that will meet your precise requirements, from two to six horse capacity with or without living accomodation. A lea
