Ford Cargo 1995 N158 AKY
X269 NHK 5 horse Length 25 feet, Height 8 feet 6 inches. Kitchen 10feet, Horse 15 feet. Fridge, Cooker, Sink, Hot and Cold, Gas Fire, TV, shower and toilets. Double bed, single bed, cupboards left and right. Rubber Hydraulic Tail Board. Rubber matting. 4 partings top padded bottom rubber. Excellent condition
Contact:Tel: 01452 720329 Mob: 07971 497601 |
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Ford Horseboxes For Sale Ford are a leading manufacturer of lorries and our know for their value for money and durability. Ford has produced trucks since 1908. Countries where Ford commercial vehicles are or were made include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada (badged Mer
Galloper Horseboxes Galloper Horseboxes was originally formed in 2009, it was born out of the vast experience gained from a company who used to repair Commercial vehicles and their numerous types of bodies, Having repaired and resprayed many Horseboxes over the years th
Evolution Horseboxes Evolution Horseboxes Ltd is a family run business situated in the Northwest. We take pride in building quality coach-built horseboxes using only the highest standard of materials. Most of our business is generated by recommendation as the quality of
2 Horse Horseboxes Horseboxes for Sale, Classified Horsebox adverts, Horseboxes for Sale in the UK, Horse Trailers for Sale, Horse Lorries for Sale, Advertise Horseboxes with stableexpress
Horsebox good condition 2001 Ford Transit 350 LWB TD, 84000m, regularly serviced at main dealer. 2 horses 15.5 hands. Location: Oxfordshire Contact Details Tel: 01235861579 Mob: 07778541246
3 Counties Horseboxes Our experience of more than 20 years of manufacturing horse boxes enables us to advise our customers of the best choices available based on budget and personal requirements, whether it be a basic DIY conversion, a full spec Three Counties coach built
Affordable Horseboxes A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Highwood Horseboxes Highwood Coachbuilders was formed in 1990, to manufacture fine horseboxes and custom vehicle bodyworks. From its inception the company philosophy has been to design and manufacture to the highest standards, based on our experience and enthusiasm fo
