HGV Horseboxes For Sale
Telephone: 01922 640602 Date Added:09/09/2012 Email:
Adverts for horseboxes for sale appearing within 24 hours of being submitted. Browse horseboxes for sale in the UK by county, price or amount of horses carried. New adverts for horseboxes for sale are added daily so if actively looking for a horsebox for sale be sure to visit stableexpress Horseboxes For Sale UK regularly to view new adverts for horseboxes for sale as they are added. For those looking to sell horseboxes, then stableexpress Horseboxes For Sale UK is the ideal site to advertise your horsebox for sale. All adverts for horseboxes for sale on stableexpress is FREE and has 1000`s of visitors each month.
Cheap Horseboxes Horseboxes can be expensive stableexpress has an extensive horsebox classifieds section with a selection of cheap horseboxes for sale from around the UK. If cost is an important factor to you when buying a horse it is important to consider how fuel e
Vauxhall Movano 3300Cdti Mwb Vauxhall Movano 3300CDTI MWB 2463cc 55 reg Converted November 2008 by Alan Morgan of Wem 2 axle rigid body back (no longer has pink horse stencil) 12 months MOT and 6 month vehicle tax 56,000 miles 2 stall rear facing Side loading Groom area h
Central England Horseboxes We are a family-run company of over 20 years with strong equestrian roots, so we understand your individual requirements. We are located centrally for each reach from any corner of the country, in Kidderminster, Worcestershire. All of the horsebo
Affordable Horseboxes A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Equi-Star 2 horse compact living 2008 3 Litre HDI Equi-star 2 horsebox with compact living-Hunter Plus - Fast and economical 2008 Citroen Relay 35 HDI 3 Litre Diesel engine, LWB Metallic Blue,Two horse travelling backwards, Sleeps Two and day living. Tinted opening windows in horse area, roof vent,
Horsetrailer, Carries 1 stall with Living - Wiltshire EQUESTRIAN Product Description: The top of the Wessex range, the Equestrian is based on the olympian size model but has a number of enhancements. The white roof assist in keeping the inside temperature of the trailer down in sunny weather as with all
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls H Reg with Living - Clwyd 4.6 tonne horsebox, 1990, 2.8 litre diesel, Tax & MOT June 2011, Carries 1 horse (up to 16hh) & 1 pony, or 2 ponies, Completely reliable, Easy to drive long or short distances, Ideal ladies? / first horsebox, Large living with sink, hob, oven, fridge
Daf 2 Horse Horseboxes For Sale Daf 2 Horse Horseboxes for sale : -Start your search for horseboxes, horse lorries or horse trailers for sale here. Refine your search using the categories on the left. Advertising your horse box or business on stableexpress is FREE, stableexpress ha
