Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls 56 Reg - Berkshire
Converted to a horsebox in 2009, really nice to drive, 2.5 lt 6 speed, has elec window, a/c. CD player. Metallic grey with silver graphics, external tack locker and internal cupboard, easy to lift split ramp. Only for sale as I renew every year. 11 months MOT and 5 months TAX. Price inc VAT |
Telephone: 01635 861381 Date Added:11/10/2010 Email:
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Super 2-Horse 7.5Ton/Nonhgv
Chaigley Horseboxes A leading manufacturer of quality horseboxes, coach built horseboxes for sale uk. Bespoke built Horseboxes, vehicles and trailers for the leisure and motor sports sector. We enjoy working with our customers to create the perfect motor or sports home
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls J Reg - Kent Ford Transit Diesel Horsebox J Reg (91), Very Economical & Reliable. Ideal 1St Box As Can Be Driven On Normal Car Licence. 85,000 Miles, Tax To End Jan 2011. Fully Galvanised Floor With Rubber Matting. Partitioned For 2 Horses/Ponies Forward Facing (
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls K Reg with Living - Nottinghamshire REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE;;;;;;this box is 7500kg gross.. takes 4 ponys 3 horses.full living ,cooker ect,it has the lot,, 10ft long 8ft wide and 8ft high of horse area..with same again for the living plus luton.. this box drives like a dream //it has a
Daf 2 Horse Horseboxes For Sale Daf 2 Horse Horseboxes for sale : -Start your search for horseboxes, horse lorries or horse trailers for sale here. Refine your search using the categories on the left. Advertising your horse box or business on stableexpress is FREE, stableexpress ha
VERY RELIABLE - 7.5TON NON HGV Tilt cab 7.5TON NON HGV Tilt cab mechanically sound New MOT till May 2011 taxed until end of july 2010 very well maintained and serviced annually carries 3 large horses with new floor ramp and rubber matting rug racks and lighting in horse area telesopic pa
Horsebox, Carries 2 stalls 54 Reg with Living - Somerset This is your chance to own a immaculately condition, highly economical 54 plate 3.5t Renault Master 2 Horsebox in Metallic Green with a mileage of only 43850! Carries 2x17.2hh backwards facing with full/high solid partitions with head boards.Very lig
Horsebox, Carries 3 stalls 54 Reg with Living - North Yorkshire This eye-catching 7.5T horsebox is the pinnacle of the horsebox world, with the striking shape and subtle curves. The 3 stage pearlescent finish is stunning and compliments our full 2010 aerodynamic colour coded styling pack. The 5 star lavish full l
