Working Hunter Horses

A good working hunter must possess an excellent jumping form. The forearm should be parallel or higher with the ground, and the knees and lower legs should be even. The horse should not be lazy with its lower legs, but should tuck them under its forearm as it clears the fence, clearly bending its fetlocks and knees. The horse should not throw its body or legs to one side, but should stay perfectly straight over the fence. A good working hunter should show a great bascule, or roundness over a jump. This is often described as the horse taking the shape of a dolphin jumping out of the water, with the horse's back up, and its head reaching forward and down over the fence.

When looking for a working hunter the first thing you need is a nice stamp of a horse with good posture, good straight movements and good eyes and features. Irish horses are very popular but foreign horses are becoming more and more popular in the class.

It’s important to buy a good looking hunter because in working hunter competitions looks do count.

Fitness is another key issue with working hunters; Fitness really depends on the age and experience of the horse in question. It’s crucial to build up the fitness levels before we start any heavy schooling.

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