Elevage Pondi
Find all the best elements of the livestock and most promising young people for the future! Located in the heart of Brittany, near Pontivy ("Pondi" in Breton) in the Blavet Valley, livestock production Pondi offers quality: Ponies Connemara / Connemara Crossings & Sport Horses / Horse French SaddleAt the beginning farmer-breeder, Gilles Mouellic up its operations in 1983 Neulliac, choosing pork production, he also buys a few dozen hectares of farmland. But the destiny of our breeder is elsewhere ...
The Birth of a passion
It all began in 1987, when Gilles Mouellic decided to buy two fillies Connemara; family Mouellic indeed had the opportunity to mix with farmers in Connemara holiday, and were particularly interested in these ponies versatile rustic and full of qualities.
So a few months later, Gilles therefore acquires two young daughters Connemara, from breeding Hubert Laurent in Normandy it is Ulotte Melody Melody and Utopia, thanks to which the family Mouellic will discover the pleasure of riding.
But it is a little later than the trigger will really happen: having head up a small pony breeding in addition to its activities, Gilles attends breeding Connemara Championship, during which a farmer is going to talk about a broodmare model and remarkable origins, which would make an excellent foundation mare for breeding.
So without thinking longer, Gilles decided to seize the opportunity and acquired the now famous WHITE GRANITE , which was full to the point of future standard APOLLON PONDY .
From there, success will enchainer with the birth of Apollo, then BANQUISE PONDI , CYRANO PONDI and DEXTER LEAM PONDI , which will give unforgettable results both of the competition on the reproduction, where they transmit many of their qualities.
Thus Gilles decides to sell his two fillies starting Ulotte Melody and Utopia, because the products he obtained with WHITE GRANITE, being very efficient, take over and come into competition with the girls Gilles.
However, the breeder admits wrong: in fact, these two mares Connemara have revealed some time later a true genetic potential: Utopia Melody, a girl from Fort Gold will cross APOLLON PONDY and give excellent Elan Upper , Pony Grand Prix with an IPO 146 in 2003.
About Ulotte Melody (by Idénoir), she has produced with Cyrano Pondi very good Roscoat Giovanni, with an IPO 140.
Gilles will catch up later by creating a herd of mares excellent, especially having kept three daughters WHITE GRANITE, to bring them to reproduce to maintain good stock of breeding. The breeding of breeding Pondi are carefully selected, and the best products from leading Irish lines, the image of WHITE GRANITE.
Therefore a true passion, which also allows Gilles Mouellic develop many contacts with other breeders, which brings new opportunities in the horse world.
Currently composed of ten mares and two stallions (including the very promising son of DEXTER, named MAGIC LEAM PONDI ), livestock Pondi diversified in recent years as Gilles, enjoying the experience Connemara ponies, tries to present production SPORT HORSES.
Its first product, LUSTY PONDI GREY , born in 1999, is a son of Elan Court (French Saddle with an ISO 171 in 2003), and the Connemara broodmare HEIGHT GRANITE (GRANITE WHITE daughter). Double clear at Fontainebleau in 2003 to four years, and again a finalist in 2004 (ISO 127), was approved Lusty French Saddle on its performance in competition.
Gilles therefore performs its best crosses between Connemara mares and stallions very good, as we have seen with LUSTY GREY PONDI, and also has two broodmares French Saddle, with which he hopes to create a good strain as he did with WHITE GRANITE.
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